Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday Funny

Teaching produces a lot of hilarious moments.  Therefore, every week I'll try to share with y'all a "Friday Funny."  Enjoy the preciousness of my kiddos :)

Soooo... Things are getting a little chaotic as I try to wrap up my kindergarten Spanish lesson.  The kids are excited because it's a half day (Thank you, Irene!) and I'm trying to think about the most efficient way to get 16 five-year olds out to their busses in the rain.  All of the sudden, one little boy (who happens to be one of my favorite kids to ever exist, because he's so freaking cute and hilarious) shoots his hand in the air and says he left the water running in the bathroom.  So, I tell him to walk next door and turn off the water.  A few minutes later, he returns and I ask, "Well, did you turn off the water?"  And to this, my precious, precocious, kindergarten student responds...

"The water wasn't on.  It was just the rain."

Thats' right, he heard the rain and thought he left the water running.  I die.
I'd probably lose my job if I posted a real photo, but this kid from Microsoft Images is pretty cute too.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pining for positivity

piningpresent participle of pine (Verb)1. Suffer a mental and physical decline, esp. because of a broken heart.
2. Miss and long for the return of.
 Well, I don't have a broken heart, but lately I have been "pining."  The part about "suffering a mental decline" definitely applies to me.  I've just kind of been in a funk for the last week or two.  There are several contributing factors to my funk, but the details aren't really important.  Anyone who knows me will agree that I do not handle change very well.  Sure, I like to change outfits, genres of music, earrings and nail polish.  But when it comes to big changes, changes in my routine or lifestyle, I have a tendency to... freak the freak out.

 My freak-outs have a history of being quite dramatic and I really wanted to avoid the hemorrhage-inducing hysterical crying.  But bottling my emotions did not work.  It turns out I don't hide my feelings very well.  I have been focusing on any negativity I can find; nit-picking over pointless details, criticizing family and friends, and just being all-around pessimistic.  It wasn't until a few days ago that I realized how much I was affecting myself and everyone around me.  I don't buy the old adage, "misery loves company." When you're miserable, you are unapproachable, unattractive and un-fun.  Who would want to make company with somebody like that? Not me.  I "miss and long for the return of" positive thinking.

 Therefore, I am now making a conscious effort to heed the advice of the Law of Attraction.  I am going to send positivity out into the universe, in hopes that it will return to me.  I don't want to be irritable and unapproachable.  I don't want to seem unattractive.  And I most definitely do not want to be un-fun.  I have a lot of great things in my life, and it's time to appreciate my blessings.

 So, here goes... a list of EIGHT of the most positive things in my life right now!

1) I am HEALTHY.  No terminal illnesses, no physical disabilities and no substance addictions.
2) I recently acquired some FABULOUS new sunglasses :)
** Sunglasses from Target **
3) I have a great J-O-B!  Not only is it a lot of fun to be an elementary school Spanish teacher, but I feel so blessed to have a stable job in a time when they are so scarce. 
4) CHEAP rent... my big sister has been generous enough let me live in the awesome house she just bought and charge me a very reasonable rent.
5) Super CUTE bedding, to go in my new room at my new house!
** The Company Store - Peyton quilt **
6) FANTASTIC friends... I have three very close friends that I can always count on for support, companionship and LOADS of laughter.  
7) I also have a six-year BFF... It sounds a little creepy, but she is my favorite kid in the world.  This chick knows how to push my buttons and melt my heart, all within about 3 minutes.  :)
** Did you just die a little? **
8) AMAZING family!  We may not always get along (heck, I wouldn't even say that we usually get along), but I am definitely the quintessential "family girl."  My family will always be the most important part of my life.

Alright, Universe.  I'm ready.  Send me the love.