Happy Friday!
Sorry I've been slack and haven't posted in a while... but I'm back with some funnies :)
3 weeks ago... I was helping in the 3rd grade classroom one afternoon and the kiddos were writing down their homework and getting ready to go home. As I'm walking around, making sure they are writing the correct homework assignments, I notice one little girl has a note on her desk. Taking full advantage of my "teacher rights," I pick up this note to read it. Yes, I was mainly being nosy. And relishing in the fact that I am no longer the student who has her notes intercepted, but the teacher who does the intercepting. And of course making sure it wasn't anything inappropriate that needed to be relayed to the homeroom teacher. So this is what the note says, letter for letter:
"Sorrye. this is the end of our frendshippe."
Turns out, this kid was finally getting a taste of the "mean girl" medicine she's been handing out for the last 2 years. She is famous for telling students who they can and cannot be friends with, and bossing around the other girls. Such drama for 8 year olds! I chastised the author of the note, of course, but sent her a mental high-five for standing up to little bully girl!
2 weeks ago... I was sick with a cold at the end of last week and seriously losing my voice on Friday. My adorable kindergarteners come to Spanish class, and their teacher warns me that they've had a rough morning. I tell them at the beginning of class that they have to be "super extra quiet" so I don't have to yell and lose more of my voice. But telling a 5 year old to be "super extra quiet" is like telling a dog to make you a grilled cheese. So they are starting to get chatty and loud. And I warn them and threaten to call home and I take away "pimientos" (peppers they earn for good behavior; more peppers = better chance at getting a prize). Attempting a light-hearted approach, I tell them they're acting "silly like monkeys." Precious little boy then tells me, "We're not silly monkeys. We're MEAN gorillas! Raaaaawwwwrrrrr!!" I stifle my laugh and try to continue the lesson. Then a few minutes later, same precious boy turns to his still talking classmates and with the most serious and exasperated expression says,
"Guys! You have to be quiet! If she has to yell at us she's going to lose the rest of her voice and she won't be able to talk any more!"
This week... One of my fourth-graders has started calling my "Grandma." I have no idea what possessed him to give me this nickname, especially since I am the youngest teacher in the school. However, for the last 2 days, he gives me a "Hi, Grandma!" every time he sees me. Every. Single. Time. I'm working on at least getting him to say it in Spanish...
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