Disclaimer: I realize that my posts are a rather long. I am trying to improve this, but I'm just a wordy person. Bear with me. This one is worth it.
- My grandparents began the adoption process looking for a little boy. But the agent called one day and said there was a brand-new baby girl they could have. Lucy said, "Umm... alright," and Mama Dukes was delivered that day. When Granddaddy got home from work, Grandma asked him how he'd feel about a girl. Luckily, he was also okay with a female child. Lucille then sent her husband into the bedroom, where she had left baby girl peacefully resting in a dresser drawer.
- Baby girl was a bit pallid, which Lucy didn't like, so she laid the naked babe in the window sill to give her a little tan.
- Grandma also prefers to be naked herself. Unfortunately for my now singed retinas, I have walked into her apartment to find her sitting in the recliner completely buck-naked.
- Once, when I was a 14 year old freshman in high school, she picked me up from school. But seeing as I was 5 months from taking the written part of the driving test (that would enable me to start driving with an experienced adult), Lucille decided it was time for me to practice. Never in my life had I been behind the steering wheel of a car, other than sitting in my dad's lap and "driving" around the block. This minor detail didn't matter, it was time to get some experience. So she forced me in the driver's seat and off I drove. I stopped after about 10 minutes, refusing to drive on the busy highway. But when we were near my house, she insisted I finish the drive. When my mom asked what she would have done if I'd been stopped by the police and had no license to produce, Lucille's response was, "I wrote a note to show the police officer explaining that I gave her permission to drive my car." Well, as long as you have a note.
- She once took a fuzzy purple bathrobe, which she picked out of someone's trash pile on the side of the road, to keep her warm at the circus. Enough said.
Now that you have a better idea of who Lucy is, I'll get back to this morning's shenanigans. Grandma has a lot of crap. (Which I understand is not uncommon for old people.) My mom has been after her for years to get rid of the junk she doesn't use, but (again, like the rest of the gray-haired population) she is thinks she will one day need it. Even that spoonful of peas she wrapped in aluminum foil and shoved in the back of the freezer. And heaven-forbid if something of hers was to be discarded, because a nuclear war would certainly ensue, rendering her helpless and hungry without her peas. Thankfully, Grandma recently starting cleaning out her apartment. But she couldn't just accept that a hairdryer from 1992, cassette tapes and a fake cactus plant were all completely useless. No. These are valuable goods that somebody will surely want.
So what does Crazy Lucy do? She plans a yard sale that my mother and I will help her operate. At 8 o'clock this morning, we dragged three shopping carts worth of "goods" across the street to set up shop on two card tables and two sheets on the ground. Not only were we selling crap, but her apartment complex was having a huge yard sale across the street. Why couldn't Grandma donate her junk to them? Because it would be insane to let somebody else profit from her treasures. Therefore, we sat out in the blistering heat for about 2 hours with maybe 20 customers total. Several of which she ran off with her stubborn overpricing. (Clearly the computer microphone, which she probably doesn't even know it is because her only knowledge of computers is that they exist, was worth 50 cents. How dare the guy try to bargain her down to a mere quarter!) Let's just say, it took 2 pints of sweat and 3 hours of my life that I'll never get back.
Mama Dukes and I complained the whole time, but I guess it was nice to help my grandma with something she really wanted to do. Also, she gave me the money we earned to help with my move in a few weeks. I would have much preferred to sleep in, but I got $21 and a Designing Women DVD. And I suppose the satisfaction of knowing that I increased my lead in the "Lucille's favorite grandchild" race. (Although, to be honest, it's never really been much of a competition.)
PS - If you're in the market for any crap that is positively useless, Lucy still has a trunk full of items she won't part with unless appropriately compensated.